速報APP / 健康塑身 / STRONG: All in One Fitness

STRONG: All in One Fitness





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本



STRONG: All in One Fitness(圖1)-速報App

STRONG is an all in one fitness app that allows you to track your workouts and calculate your warm up sets, one rep max, strength level, BMI, BMR, TDEE and macros.

Track Your Workouts

Stay on top of all your workouts. Start by creating your workout which can be customized at any time. Track them and calculate your warm up on the spot! Take notes on how your workout went so you can adjust for your next workout!

Calculate your warm up sets

Calculate your warm-up sets so you can focus on safe progression. Don't waste time doing math in the gym, focus on your sets! Just enter your working weight and go!

STRONG: All in One Fitness(圖2)-速報App

The warm up calculator is designed for heavy compound movements such as squats or deadlifts in a 5 rep range.

Estimate your one rep max

Whether you need to estimate your 1RM for a specific workout, or you're just curious, Strong features two 1RM output modes as well as the option to select between four formulas, Epley being the default.

You can display your 1RM either in terms of percentages or in terms of reps.

Find your strength level

STRONG: All in One Fitness(圖3)-速報App

Ever wondered if you're progressing right? You've probably gotten stronger, but how much stronger have you gotten compared to the average?

The Strength Standards feature gives you an idea of your strength level. Strength standards are based on your bodyweight and gender, and includes support for Squats, Deadlifts, Bench Press, Overhead Press, Power Cleans and Power Snatch.

Calculate your BMI, BMR, TDEE and macros in one go

The BMI calculator can help you figure out your ideal weight and whether or not you're overweight (it is possible to be muscular, overweight and healthy), underweight, or in a healthy range.

The BMR calculator works in conjunction with the TDEE calculator to help you figure out your macro-nutrient and caloric intake.

STRONG: All in One Fitness(圖4)-速報App

The macronutrient calculator also now includes the option for advanced customization which allows you to directly modify your caloric surplus or deficit, and your desired protein and fat intake.

More information on all of the above features are available in the app.

Do it your way

STRONG includes support for both the imperial and metric system (kg/lb), as well as theme customization if you're not liking the dark theme!

Room for more

STRONG: All in One Fitness(圖5)-速報App

There's always room for new fixes and features. So feel free to send your feedback (there is an in-app option) and if you like the app, leave a review!

As a disclaimer: Remember to exercise judgement when using this app! Do not take everything as face value but more of a guide!

STRONG: All in One Fitness(圖6)-速報App